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Jewish museum would provide myriad local benefits. By Nathan M. Jolles

Updated: Apr 29, 2020

The January 4, 2020 edition of The Augusta Chronicle published an opinion guest column written Augusta Attorney Nathan M. Jolles concerning the myriad of local benefits that the Augusta Jewish Museum will produce for the city of Augusta and surrounding areas.

"As we contemplate our New Year’s resolutions and plans for 2020, I suggest you consider devoting a portion of your resources, financial or otherwise, to the transformation of the historic Telfair Street synagogue and adjacent Court of Ordinary building into a first-class Augusta Jewish Museum.

Saving these iconic structures is deeply personal to me. Much of my family’s past and most memorable moments played out within these synagogue’s sacred walls. In 1943 my father, Howard Jolles, celebrated his bar mitzvah at the old Congregation Children of Israel (CCI), the first bar mitzvah of CCI at the time. A short while later his brother, Isaac “Buddy” Jolles, observed his bar mitzvah there as well. In the late 1940s, their sister, Natalie Jolles Miller, would be married within the same venue. Most of my family in fact worshipped there until CCI moved up the hill to Walton Way about 1950."

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