June 17, 2020 compared to July 22, 2021.
Mayor Hardie Davis speaking, AJM Board President Jack Weinstein seated.
What a difference a year makes!
The story began in 2015 and continued on June 17, 2020, when a press conference was held to announce the start of construction for the Phase One Rehabilitation of the Court of Ordinary for the Augusta Jewish Museum. Augusta Mayor Hardie Davis, representatives from Historic Augusta and other dignitaries were present. Read the June 17, 2020 post HERE
A milestone was reached on July 22, 2021, when the finished renovation of the Court of Ordinary, now the AJM Education Center was celebrated with a press conference and tours of the newly renovated building. Augusta Mayor Hardie Davis, together with representatives from Historic Augusta and the Augusta Jewish Museum board of directors presided over the celebration. Representatives from the Southeastern Israeli Consulate also attended the celebration.

The Augusta area's four Rabbis were also present, (L to R) Robert Klensin, Rabbi Emeritus of Congregation Children of Israel Augusta, Jeshayahu “Shai” Beloosesky, D. Min. current Rabbi, Rabbi David Sirull Adas Yeshurun Synagogue and Rabbi Zalman Fischer Chabad Augusta.
Following the opening remarks, tours were held of the AJM Education Center and the original Congregation Children of Israel Synagogue. The Telfair Street Synagogue continues to be renovated and will become the Augusta Jewish Museum Cultural Center.
Before and after photos of the building(s) HERE
See our media coverage:
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https://www.jewishsouth.org/sites/default/files/rambler_v25i3_web_version.pdf See Page-7 of the publication.
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